Santa Gertrudis Cattle
In 2003, Flying J&L Ranch was born with the purchase of a Santa Gertrudis Show heifer named Angel. This heifer was shown by Lynn as a high school FFA project and has since given us many beautiful heifers as additions to our herd. She is has been one of our most productive animals and has made us true believers in the Santa Gertrudis breed.
Santa Gertrudis cattle are the original Texas breed of cattle. Developed by the King Ranch from Shorthorn and Brahman cattle in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Santa Gertrudis have acceptional maternal traits, quick performance, and easy calving. Above all else the Santa Gertrudis are a very hardy breed that have found favor all over the southern United States, Central America, South America, South Africa, and Australia.
We have combed the country looking for acceptional Santa Gertrudis females for our herd. We breed these females with high carcuss quality Lowline Angus bulls to produce a cross that we like to refer to as Moderators. This cross produces moderately framed and highly productive animals idealy suited to beef production in a harsher climate.